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BIL-BIL DE LEVANTE Rentals of electric motorized surfboards

It looks like a surfboard, it moves like a surfboard...

Discover the experience of ride the waves on a board propelled by two powerful turbines.

The jetsurf twins are a guarantee for excitement on the sea.

Stable enough for beginners, they're equally fun for experienced users of this type of electric surfboard as well. Lying down, on your knees, or standing up, the jetsurf propels anyone on it in whatever their position, and at a good clip!

Prior to the activity, our monitors will teach you all the safety recommendations you need. During the session, they'll keep an eye out for your safety, staying close by so that your only concern is your flow, getting to the lineup, and riding as many waves as you can.


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May to September, daily, depending on the state of the sea.

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For everyone Youths Couples Athletes

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Duration of the activity: approximately 1 hour, of which 20 o 30 minutes are at sea. The sessions are for 2 people at the same time, at most. Training is taught. We provide the wetsuit if the water temperature requires them.

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