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Complicity at Sea Paddle surf in Malaga

Test your balance on a Paddle Surf board in the quiet waters of the Costa del Sol, along with a companion, and accumulate experiences together. Be amazed at the beautiful views of the wonderful city of Malaga, its ideal temperature and 300 days of sunshine.

You do not need prior experience to use a SUP, just the desire and connection with your companion to not fall into the water, but rather to blend in with it. You will be assigned a guide who will be in charge of overseeing the trip, and teaching participants. They will also provide all the equipment required for the utmost safety.

Vibrate in harmony with the environment, learn the most popular water sport and revel in the peace of the ocean beneath your feet. A true experience in the most beautiful setting of all, in the Alboran sea.


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May – September. Every day of the week, except Saturdays.

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Youths Couples For everyone Families

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Times: from Monday to Friday from 3:05 pm to 6:15 pm and Sundays from 12:20 pm to 1:50 pm. The trip lasts 15 minutes.