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REINA NOCTILUCA Boat cruise in the Bay of Malaga

A vast number of tales inhabit the depths of the Bay of Málaga.

Come hear them on board the large catamaran Fly Blue.

Sail along a coastline teeming with protected sunken ships of great historical value and cataloged by the Centro de Arqueología Subacuática de Andalusia.

The inlet of Málaga holds a large number of vessels from all eras, still pending study. 57 fishing ships from the Punic times to the 20th century. From 15th century naval battles to the sinking of the C-3 submarine at El Palo; and 45 more vessels wrecked on the rocks by storms, mistaken maneuvering, technical problems, or sabotage. They have become the natural habitat of a wide variety of admirable underwater species.

Come join us in experiencing the throng of the city from its blue waters at this encounter with the sea and its treasures.


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Daily all year round, depending on the state of the sea.

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Families For everyone Groups

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Duration of the activity: 1 hour.

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