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ESPÍRITU DE ESPAILLA Traditional jábega fishing boat rowing

The history of the jábega fishing boat stretches back 2500 years.

Come experience the sensations of the earliest sailors along the Costa del Sol.

We'll guide you to enjoy the traditions and customs of the seafaring peoples preserved by the Asociación de Pescadores del Litoral Este de Málaga; on this vessel that until only a few years ago was used by Malaga fishermen to lay out their nets.

Come row these lightweight, swift boats and feel the pulse of the team: the union, the communication, and the combined strength needed to drive them.

Come enjoy this group experience. Our captain -Espailla- will share everything you need to know about traditional rowing so that you can learn right away how to move the boat and reach our destination.


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All year round, Monday to Friday, depending on the state of the sea.

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Groups For everyone Athletes

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Boating on the jábega requires a crew of at least 10 people: 7-9 rowers and a helmsmen.