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DIÁSTOLE DE SCUBA Beginning and advanced scuba courses

Come discover the underwater beauty of the Alboran Sea.

We give official PADI diving courses.

Adapted to your level of experience, either one-on-one or in a group. Expert monitors will accompany you at all times.

We'll dive in Maro, Nerja, Rincón de la Victoria, Málaga…choosing the areas with the most biodiversity according to the depth of the dive.

Always contributing to cleaning and repairing it.

And dreaming of recovering the environment of the artificial reef at Acantilados de El Cantal, where we dive at a depth of 20 meters amid a proliferation of invertebrates and new marine flora and fauna.


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All year, sea conditions permitting.

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Youths For everyone

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Duration of the course, depending on the level: 3 days to 5 days. Only for those aged 12 and above, with minors always accompanied by an adult. In good physical and mental health. We recommend filling out the questionnaire on the website before hiring this activity. The courses include full diving gear, teaching materials, accident insurance, civil liability insurance, and processing the certification.

* Empresa adscrita compromiso de sostenibilidad de Senda Azul