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Make first contact with the dimension of marine life.

Be given your diving baptism.

We'll help you figure out all the equipment, the valves, and how to breathe. We'll teach you from the beginning to get you up to skill so that you know how to flow with the water.

We'll take you to the best areas of the Alborán Sea and the Strait of Gibraltar for you to feel and see the incredible biodiversity of the three bio-regions around us: the Mediterranean, the Mauritanian, and the Lusitanian. 

Come check out their amazing colors, the underwater music and the sound of its dwellers.


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All year round, with a duration of 1.5 hours. Only if the conditions at sea allow the activity to be done safely.

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For everyone Youths

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Duration: 2 hours 30 minutes. We'll have an adaptation period on the surface in an area shallow enough to stand in, on the shore, before going underwater. We'll do some basic exercises to let you fully enjoy your underwater adventure. Ages 10 and above. You must know how to swim and sign a statement of health.

* Empresa adscrita compromiso de sostenibilidad de Senda Azul