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EMOCIÓN DE TORREVIGÍA Carver JetSurf Experience

Discover the sensations of gliding on a carver JetSurf jetboard.

High-speed adventure on the sea.

Lying down, on your knees, or standing, our jetboards will propel you at over 40 kph through the water on a board driven by a powerful turbine.

Prior to the activity, our monitors will teach you all the safety recommendations you need. During the session, they'll keep an eye on you and stay nearby the whole time.

This is a stable board large enough for beginners and equally fun for the pros.

Come have fun skiing the beaches of Benalmádena.


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May to September, daily, depending on the state of the sea.

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Youths For everyone

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We speak Spanish, English, French, Italian, and Luxembourgian. Duration: approximately 1 hour. It includes round-trip boat ride to the chosen spot in the sea depending on the weather, the activity itself lasts 20 or 30 minutes, then the boat ride back to the port. We provide the wetsuit if the water temperature requires them.

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