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Duchess Castle


Located in the township of Manilva, the Castillo de la Duquesa or Fortín de Sabinillas, was built to protect this large anchorage near Gibraltar, in the years when it was trying to recover this place militarily during the war against England because of the so-called "Pacte de Familie".

In 1767 its construction was paid for by Francisco Paulino, a resident of Seville, to whom Carlos III rewarded with the command of a cavalry company.

Installed on top of a Roman villa that was reused for its construction, the archaeological material on display comes largely from this archaeological site of Roman origin, consisting of baths, a villa, fish salting industries and a necropolis, all of which surround the exhibition building, i.e., the castle itself.

The archaeological site of Cerro del Castillo or Castillejos de Alcorrín, a site from the indigenous or pre-colonial Final Bronze Age peoples, an authentic fortress of large dimensions that must have congregated a large group of individuals, also contributed materials to construction of the exhibition area.

Large circular towers and a great wall surround the entire enclosure.