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La Victoria Cave


In the limestone promontory of Cantal, in the township of Rincón de la Victoria, there are several large natural caves that sheltered humans in prehistoric times (Paleolithic and Neolithic). Declared a National Monument and Asset of Cultural Interest of Andalusia, these caves were formed geologically by the alternating action of rain and sea waters that have made them unique among the rest of the Andalusian caves. Originally there used to be three large caves: Higuerón, Suizo and Victoria, and a fourth smaller one: Esperanza.

Furthermore, these caves contain a large collection of prehistoric rock art and important archaeological sediments, with exceptionally fine pieces on display at the National Archaeological Museum and the Museum of Malaga -Palacio de la Aduana-.

The Cueva de la Victoria is one of these prehistoric caves located in this cliff that closes the bay of Malaga on the east. It measures just over a hundred meters long, with two access shafts equipped with vertical access stairs. Inside there are two rooms and a long gallery that allow you to visit the Paleolithic archaeological site and the more than one hundred Paleolithic and Neolithic cave paintings that were made in the Sala del Dosel (the Canopy Hall), where the prehistoric graves were.

The experience of visiting this extraordinary site of cave art in the Bay of Malaga, with one of the most important artistic collections in the Mediterranean, will become possible in early 2022, taking advantage of the proposal for its scientific dissemination, promoted by the City Council of Rincon de la Victoria.